Benefits of crystal therapy
Crystals naturally vibrate at a frequency that restructures or "wakes up" water boosting its alkalinity (pH) and raising its oxygenation. When water is added to the bottle, the energy and the vibration from the crystal are transferred into the water. The result is enlivened water with qualities comparable to spring water. The smoother/softer mouthfeel makes for a refreshing taste experience and improved hydration for the body.
Dr Emoto's Water Experiment
Join the iloveulution
With every thought and intention, our crystals pick up on your unique vibrational energy and amplify the positive vibes that you’re cultivating.
Amethyst Crystal Infused Water Bottle
Looking for the perfect gift for yourself or someone special? Why not try this unique crystal water bottle. A great way to harness their healing power is by using healing stones for manifesting your intentions and what you want to create in your life.